3 great websites to help you grow your business by Kelly Mason, Business Coach

As a business coach and start-up adviser, I’m constantly looking for ways to help entrepreneurs help themselves.

In this article, you’ll find three go-to websites to help you answer those niggling questions.

Question 1:  How can I understand my customers and create a better offering?

Check out www.strategyzer.com/canvas an easy to use, one “page” way to test your business ideas and offering

Question 2: How can I get my marketing message across in a customer-friendly way?

 In a world where information is consumed a-pace and stand out content is challenging to create www.mysimpleshow.com makes it easy to get your message across to your customers in a visual, engaging way.  This tool helps you to create your own explainer videos for your business, products and services.

Question 3: Where can I find something to help me….recruit/market/understand my client behaviour/create contracts…?

A first point of call for business support is the fantastic and free www.businessballs.com, a positive plethora of all things business with articles on all things from writing a business plan to managing stress and everything in between.