here are 5 helpful tips for healthy grocery shopping:

  1. Follow The Perimeter Of The Store

 This will ensure that you’re less likely to be exposed to packaged and processed goods within the aisles, and it means a quicker trip to the market since you’ll only be travelling to areas like the produce, meat, dairy, and eggs section.

  1.  Make A List!

This serves as a good reminder of what you actually came to the store for. This may be helpful in situations where that tub of ice cream seems to be calling out your name.

  1.  Eat Before You Shop

Believe it or not shopping when hungry alters your perception towards foods, including high fat products.

  1.  Beware Of Distractions At Checkout

This can be a challenge when there’s a long line and you’re essentially “stuck” waiting beside the candy, chocolate bars, and chips. While it’s easy to say you should avoid looking at it, try to rationally discuss if you really need that treat or if it’s simply because it’s there that you want it.

  1.  Everything In Moderation

While we can get so caught up on trying to label everything as “good” and “bad” and how aisles are often separated you can notice the difference between the fresh produce section and the chip aisle. The most important tip: everything in moderation, including those indulgent purchases.

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Source:    abbey’s