When the world of gym kit seems to get the better of you, try focussing on one piece of kit to get the most out of your workout! This week we’re focussing on Kettlebells – with a great workout from our in-house Sports Rehabilitator, Arran Nicholson:

Swings – Holding with both hands. Keeping back straight and brace through abdominals. Swing between legs and raise to chest height.

Squat & Overhead Press – Start in squat position with weight between feet. Lift with one hand and press overhead. Lower to start position and repeat on opposite side.

Goblet Squat – Hold Kettlebell at chest height.  Keeping back straight sit into a squat and drive back to start position. Lower into squat as far as possible without losing form.

Turkish Get-Ups – Hold Kettlebell overhead lying on back. Raise knee on same side, sit up and rest on opposite hand. Drive hips off ground and step under body with other leg. Reverse the process to get back down to floor.

Lunge and Pass – Step back into a lunge and pass Kettlebell under front leg and repeat on opposite side.

Overhead Hold with Floor Touch – Hold Kettlebell overhead in one hand. Reach with other hand towards floor, turning through body.  Pivot from hips to keep back straight throughout movement.

Side Lunge and Diagonal Reach – Hold Kettlebell in one hand. Side lunge to opposite side, reaching kettlebell towards toes.

Bent Over Row – Hold kettlebell in one hand, step forward with opposite foot and lower into lunge. Raise kettlebell to chest height.