Online Pre-Post Natal Fitness Instructor Training Course
This Pre-Post Natal Fitness Instructor Training course is a must for all those who teach women; either one on one or in group sessions. You will learn how to plan and teach safe and effective antenatal and postnatal studio, yoga, pilates, aqua, personal training or gym sessions. This course is not discipline specific and will qualify you to support pre and post natal clients in any discipline you hold, i.e Pilates, ETM, Gym or Yoga etc. All of this programme is online. You can take part in the lectures in your own time in your own home.
This pre-post natal fitness instructor training course will qualify you to teach which ever disciplines or modes of exercise you currently hold to ante and post natal women. Through this module you will learn the do’s and don’ts of exercising with pregnant women, the physiological changes that occur and how to functionally help ante and post natal women manage their bodies through pregnancy and to recover afterwards. This valuable qualification will not only enable you to teach any of your current clients or class members who become pregnant but also increase your business by adding specialist sessions or classes to your schedule and business.
This Pre and Post Natal Fitness Instructor Training course internationally accepted and recognised by REPs & CIMSPA.
Career Advice
Whether you would like to take this pre-post natal fitness instructor training course, or just want to talk to someone and ask questions to gain some career advice, we are always happy to hear from you. You can email us on or telephone us on 0203 326 3009 and we would be delighted to give you the most current industry advice. the Drummond Team is available for help on any topic, any Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m.
Green Policy
As an organisation our environmental policy is to print as little as possible. With this in mind all of our courses have downloadable manuals on your own online learning centre. You can download these to your own computer and you can keep them for life
Price: £350.00 – £395.00
Online Pre-Post Natal Fitness Instructor Training Course
£350.00 – £395.00
REPs Accreditation Level 3
This accredited qualification is accredited AIQ & CIMSPA and will be awarded 16 REPS CPD points and 10 CIMSPA Endorsed Points
What Is The Course About?
- How to identify the physiological and anatomical changes of pregnancy in the body
- How these changes relate to the studio and gym environments
- How to identify cases when exercise and activity are not recommended
How Long Does It Last?
- Online programme
- Assessment
Who Is The Course Suitable For?
- Individuals 16 years or over
- Personal trainers and advanced instructors
- Those wishing to work with pregnant or post-natal women
What Qualifications Are Needed?
- Level 2 Certificate In Fitness Instructing – or equivalent or higher, (other similar qualifications may be recognised)
What Will Be Studied?
- Antenatal and postnatal anatomy and physiology
- Baby development through each Tri-mester
- Core stability and pelvic floor
- Kegel exercises
- The do’s and don’ts of exercise for each trimester and the post natal period
- Safety implications to training and reasons for referrals
- Development of training programmes suitable for all trimesters of pregnancy
- Childbirth and the postnatal period
- Postnatal exercise programme development
- Relevant teaching skills
How Is It Assessed?
- Case study
- Worksheet
- Session planning and risk assessment
- Nutritional advice leaflet
Are There Any Books Or Special Equipment That Need To Be Purchased?
- No, all course materials will be provided on the online course
What Can The Qualification Lead To?
- Working as a specialist in exercise prescription for pre- and post-natal women within gyms, classes or one to one
Terms and conditions apply to all Drummond Education programmes. Read more >
REPs Accreditation Level 3
This accredited qualification is accredited AIQ & CIMSPA and will be awarded 16 REPS CPD points and 10 CIMSPA Endorsed Points
What Is The Course About?
- How to identify the physiological and anatomical changes of pregnancy in the body
- How these changes relate to the studio and gym environments
- How to identify cases when exercise and activity are not recommended
How Long Does It Last?
- Online programme
- Assessment
Who Is The Course Suitable For?
- Individuals 16 years or over
- Personal trainers and advanced instructors
- Those wishing to work with pregnant or post-natal women
What Qualifications Are Needed?
- Level 2 Certificate In Fitness Instructing – or equivalent or higher, (other similar qualifications may be recognised)
What Will Be Studied?
- Antenatal and postnatal anatomy and physiology
- Baby development through each Tri-mester
- Core stability and pelvic floor
- Kegel exercises
- The do’s and don’ts of exercise for each trimester and the post natal period
- Safety implications to training and reasons for referrals
- Development of training programmes suitable for all trimesters of pregnancy
- Childbirth and the postnatal period
- Postnatal exercise programme development
- Relevant teaching skills
How Is It Assessed?
- Case study
- Worksheet
- Session planning and risk assessment
- Nutritional advice leaflet
Are There Any Books Or Special Equipment That Need To Be Purchased?
- No, all course materials will be provided on the online course
What Can The Qualification Lead To?
- Working as a specialist in exercise prescription for pre- and post-natal women within gyms, classes or one to one
Terms and conditions apply to all Drummond Education programmes. Read more >