Workout provided by Drummond Course tutor and  Fitness Boxing pads Instructor Matthew Hirst


If you’re struggling to find time to get to the gym, its not the end of the world as there are lots of other options. Here’s a program that you can do anywhere with no equipment, so no excuses!
Start off by:
running on the spot for 60 secs increasing the tempo and bring in your arms and lifting your legs higher until level with your hip at a 90° angle maintain this for another 60 seconds. Your blood should now be moving to the muscles and heart rate raising getting ready for the main workout.
The aim of this workout is to burn as many calories in the time allocated aiming to do as many reps as you can for each exercise 
Main workout:
Squat thrusts
Press ups
Star jumps
Sit ups
Reverse curls
Depending on your fitness level you can do any one of these options:
Beginner – 40 seconds work 20 rest 
Intermediate – 50 seconds work 10 rest
Repeat all again 
Advanced – 60 work 10 seconds rest until completed once.
Repeat all 3 times.
A total body workout.  Enjoy!
Are you interested in Instructing  Fitness Boxing pads? Why not sign up for our course today