One Kit Workout is focussed on suspension training! 

Panic when you see those odd straps hanging from your gym ceiling?! Never fear, we have 8 exercises you can do for a great suspension training workout!!

  • Squat & Curl – Hold with both hands, sit back into a squat. Push up with legs, performing biceps curl at the top of the movement.
  • Chest Press – Hold with both hands, facing forwards. Perform press-up action maintaining straight back and stability on straps. Try not to rest straps on shoulders.
  • Crunches – Feet in stirrups, start in press-up position. Pull knees towards chest and then release back out to start position. Control core and do not let hips drops towards floor.
  • Single-Leg Reaches – Hold handles with both hands. Standing on one leg, reach other leg backwards in a lunge position, then behind standing leg. Repeat on opposite side.
  • Split Pulls with Turn – Hold handles in both hands, facing straps. Pull body weight forwards raising one arm overhead and turning to the same side. Repeat on opposite sides.
  • Single-Leg Burpees – Start standing with one foot in a stirrup. Lower into press-up position, kick other leg back.  Pull leg back in towards chest and drive up from floor back to start position.
  • Standing Reaches – Hold handles with arms extended overhead. Slowly allow body to tilt forwards, making sure to keep abdominals braced.
  • Running man – Start with straps under arms, facing away from anchor point.
  • Running on spot, keeping back straight.

Good luck….and enjoy!