Article by the Drummond Team

Are £18-an-hour nap pods the future of sleep for exhausted London office workers – or just a gimmick?? 

Sleep-deprived Londoners can now have a restorative kip during the working day thanks to a new nap bar. Exhausted office workers and tourists pay £18 an hour to rest in one of the 40 sq ft rooms at Pop and Rest in Shoreditch. According to co-founder Mauricio Villamizar, people spend on average an hour and a half. He stated: “In a big city like London, they are working longer hours, they are commuting longer distances, so this place is a good stopover for them.” For many people it is simply a place to rest away from the bustle of the city, while others take the opportunity to catch up on much needed shuteye.

But experts warn they are no substitute for a good night’s sleep. Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, Medical Director at the London Sleep Centre, told ITV News: “It gives you an opportunity for a 20 minute, 30 minute nap, which is usually quite refreshing. “We get some deep sleep and feel more refreshed after that and able to have more energy during the day. The downside of this, of course, is that our fundamental behaviour that is encouraging us to be sleep deprived is not being addressed.”

But for those of us who struggle to get the recommended eight hours sleep a night, a nap pod could be a “dream come true“!


Source: ITV News London