Industry News

Looking Over the Horizon into EMD UK and the ‘Workforce Governance & Registration Scheme Project’

EMD UK CEO Gill Cummings-Bell BA (Hon’s). M.Sc. PGCE. MBA. AMCSP

Gill explains what is coming over the horizon and how EMD UK’s new membership categories and resource centre can support the group exercise instructor workforce. This will help the group exercise instructor meet the demands of the ‘Workforce Governance & Registration Scheme’ when it lands.

What […]

By |October 31st, 2023|Article, Industry News|

Working with Physiotherapy Referral

Do you want to reach out to medical professionals and work with rehabilitative exercise on a referral basis. View this video with Alex Drummond B.Sc (Hon’s), MCSPs lead clinical director physiotherapist and Gill Cummings-Bell BA (Hon’s), M.Sc, PGCE. MBA AMCSP a leading clinical exercise physiologist who work with exercise therapy referral from primary care. Understand […]

By |May 27th, 2022|Article, Industry News, News|

2019 Wellness & Fitness Trends

Article by the Drummond Team

Here are some of the top trends we’ve spotted for the year ahead:

Wellness gets eco-friendly

There was a big boom in packaging-free products and packaging-free stores in 2018, which take inspiration from old-school grocers, fishmongers and butchers by avoiding packaging and unnecessary chemical processing. There’ll be more where that came from in […]

By |January 16th, 2019|Article, Industry News, Lifestyle|

You’re never too old to start lifting weights!

Article by the Drummond Team

New research  from the  University of Dublin suggests older people benefit hugely from resistance exercises – working their muscles, even drinking protein shakes.  So, where should we start?  The research looked into methods of frailty interventions for the elderly in the UK by assessing their muscle strength training and protein supplementation. Both […]

By |December 5th, 2018|Article, Industry News, Lifestyle|

Call for UK ban on ‘grotesquely sugary’ “freakshakes”

Article by the Drummond Team

The campaign group Action on Sugar is demanding a ban on freakshakes and all milkshakes with more than 300 calories. 

It surveyed milkshakes sold in restaurants and fast food shops in the UK and found they contained “grotesque levels of sugar and calories”.

Freakshakes are milkshakes that also contain chocolates, sweets, cake, cream […]

By |November 14th, 2018|Article, Industry News, Nutrition|

£18-an-hour nap pods for exhausted London office workers?

Article by the Drummond Team

Are £18-an-hour nap pods the future of sleep for exhausted London office workers – or just a gimmick?? 

Sleep-deprived Londoners can now have a restorative kip during the working day thanks to a new nap bar. Exhausted office workers and tourists pay £18 an hour to rest in one of the 40 sq […]

By |October 23rd, 2018|Article, Industry News, Lifestyle|

Living your life according to official advice….

The latest official health instruction from the Government
Article by The Drummond Team

Typically, most people get health advice from their doctor, not a government minister. But government officials are starting to dish out increasing amounts of advice on how we should live our lives, setting recommendations on everything from exercise to diet, alcohol and vitamin supplements. Just recently, GPs […]

By |October 22nd, 2018|Article, Industry News|

Qualifications, It’s All Change Again! Can you believe it?

Just when you thought it was safe to go out in the dark, the powers to be have decided that all qualifications as we know them, must change again.

We are now all used to the QCF, the Qualifications and Credit Framework where we can carry units with us, such as mandatory units, from one qualification […]

By |April 12th, 2017|Article, Industry News|