Article by Lincoln Bryden.
Hello Everyone. It is Lincoln here again. Last weekend I played daddy day care as Jill and I were hosts for Harvey’s 5th birthday and 15 boys! Trust me it was a long 2 hours but it was really worth it! As I am new to the kids party thing, I was amazed that some parents of the children seemed very disinterested in the whole thing, by not taking part at all. Some even used us as a crèche, leaving their kids with us while they went off shopping!! I as a parent could not believe it but each to their own.
But it did make me think about how much people put into what they do. I always tried to be the best that I could be and provide as good as service to people as possible, trying to go beyond the call of duty. This ranged from staying behind and going through choreography with people that were struggling in my class, to providing informative handouts to my class participants informing them of the latest fit facts. I have even got presenters in at my expense for my clients to give them a “special” class experience. This was all stuff that I didn’t have to do but I wanted them to think that I was the best around.
This went on to my masterclasses. I always wanted to deliver new exciting stuff, to my participants, even people that have done my classes for years; I wanted them to have a new experience whenever they did my class
The result?
Within a short space of time my classes were the busiest in my area, and I was able to demand more money for my classes, which meant that I could teach fewer classes but earn more money. Love it when that happens! Also I was able to charge more money for my presentations and teach in places that I did not even know existed.
So the question is…How do YOU demonstrate your worth to your clients?
Do you approach work as a ‘this is all you’re paying for so this is all you’re getting from me’ transaction or do you go the extra mile and put forward the value that you believe you’re worth? If you only give £5 – 10 per hour worth of service, how much do you think people will be willing to pay you? I truly believe that the more that you give in value, the more likely someone will notice and be willing to pay you more.
Think on it this way; Imagine you charged £200 an hour for a class (my rate for a master class). What level of service do you think participants would expect from you for that money?
Once you’ve decided, then for 30 days commit to be that person and see what happens. You may be surprised!