
Top Fitness Trends For 2018

As a professional in the fitness and health sector, it is always interesting to start the new year. My thoughts immediately go to what this year may hold. It is ‘like a box of chocolates’ in the true sense of Forest Gump, you never know what is going to unfold throughout the year and where […]

By |January 4th, 2018|Article, Business|

Review Your Business for 2018

Knowing where you want to take your fitness business in 2018 is important if you want it to succeed. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day client contact, teaching and running of things and neglect your business plan. Use these steps to help kick start your New Year.

Review your plan – Are […]

By |December 3rd, 2017|Article, Business|

Getting The Most From Social Media

Article by Vicky Mahony  from Upstartr. 

Social media is a marathon not a sprint; and like a marathon, the better you prepare and execute your plan, the more effective you will be. There are so many different platforms to consider and it is easy to waste valuable time with an unfocused and scattergun approach.

According to Pew […]

By |November 29th, 2017|Article, Business|

3 great websites to help you grow your business by Kelly Mason, Business Coach

As a business coach and start-up adviser, I’m constantly looking for ways to help entrepreneurs help themselves.

In this article, you’ll find three go-to websites to help you answer those niggling questions.

Question 1:  How can I understand my customers and create a better […]

By |September 1st, 2017|Article, Business|

10 Tips To Start Your Face Book Fan Page

Open Page – As a company, you should open a Facebook page. Pages (unlike personal profiles or groups) enable brands to view insights such as fans demographics, number of interactions with fans, etc.

2) Content is king – When you’re initially building your Facebook page, fill it up with interesting and relevant content. Content doesn’t […]

By |September 1st, 2017|Article, Business|

Maximise Your Small Business Brand

Gill Cummings-Bell BA (Hons). M.Sc. MBA. PGCE. MIfL.

To ensure that you are distinct, gain trust and loyalty from your customers, you need to think of your business as a brand and not as a business 

Building A Small Business Brand

Building a brand is the most important strategy a small business can employ to make it successful. […]

By |September 1st, 2017|Article, Business|